Who I Am and What I Do
My Background
Do you feel like you are stuck in one spot, just spinning your wheels, getting nowhere? Where the mud and mires of what we call life are stopping you from getting ahead?
That is just where I was before I found Reiki and Subtle Energy Medicine. After enjoying my first sessions with an Applied Kinesiologist and Reiki practitioner, I felt a shift in my perspective. It was easier to see the possibilities ahead of me. When my energy flows are balanced with no blockages, I can FEEL the difference. Do you want to FEEL a difference in your life?
My name is Carol Dutton, owner of Being You Energetically, LLC. I am a Reiki Master and Subtle Energy Medicine Specialist. Focusing on the needs of each client, I integrate various modalities to allow the unique self-healing available to each individual.
I grew up and still live in rural Minnesota. While my career was focused on office/bookkeeping work, it did not give me a feeling of fulfillment. After my husband was diagnosed with a rare muscle disease, I searched for ways to make his (our) life easier. We met an Applied Kinesiologist. Through her, I learned that I have a natural talent for “feeling the energy flow”. With that my training began.
I attended Meta Institute for my Reiki Master training and Normandale College for my Energy Medicine certification. I have studied under Cyndi Dale, Author/Intuitive/Healer, completing her 2018 Apprenticeship Program, 2019 and 2020 Advanced Apprenticeship Programs. In 2021, I became certified as an Irigenics® Ancestral Eye Reader, a modality that allows me to read patterns and markings in the iris and sclera. By attending classes/workshops, reading articles/books, and doing extensive research, I have discovered the frequencies and healing properties of essential oils, crystals, and gemstones, tuning forks, and affirmations.
I am nature-based, but also have a “knowing”.
Before the client arrives, I physically and energetically cleansing the space. It is my pleasure to assist clients in the clearing, balancing, and smoothing of their energetic systems so their bodies can do their own emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual healing.
Having a variety of modalities and tools, I offer you choices in how you can be energetically balanced. My goal is to give you the balance that allows YOU to live YOUR BEST LIFE.